United Kingdom
The United Kingdom regularly reports hate crime data to ODIHR.
Authorities collaborate closely with civil society, including through Information Sharing Agreements concluded between the police and the Community Security Trust (CST), Galop and Tell MAMA, which enable the exchange of recorded data about incidents. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) regularly convenes an external consultation group (ECG) on hate crime, whose members include community organizations, victim advocacy groups, academics with relevant expertise and others. ECG members scrutinize CPS policies and practices, and suggest where improvements can be made.
In Northern Ireland, the Department of Justice chairs a multi-agency Hate Crime Delivery Group (HCDG) to identify strategic, cross-governmental priorities and develop new approaches to dealing with hate crime. The group meets quarterly and includes representatives of government departments, criminal justice agencies and victim groups. The Department of Justice and Northern Ireland Policing Board jointly fund Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs) to engage and consult with the local community, and work with local partners to identify and prioritize local community safety and policing issues and develop initiatives and projects to address these.
In Scotland, there is the Hate Crime Strategic Partnership Group (SPG), which brings together criminal justice agencies and civil society organizations with hate crime expertise. The SPG helped ensure a multi-agency strategic approach was taken to the develop the Hate Crime Strategy for Scotland. The Hate Crime and Public Order Act (Scotland) Act 2021 became an Act of Parliament on 23 April 2021. The Act was commenced on 1 April 2024.
The UK's College of Policing has developed guidelines for police on responding to hate crime, and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has issued relevant guidance for prosecutors and published public policy statements on particular hate crime strands.
Police and prosecution data, which cover the reporting period from April to March of the following year, are regularly published by the relevant criminal justice agencies of England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Year | Hate crimes recorded by police | Prosecuted | Sentenced |
2023 | 148,735 | Not available | Not available |
2022 | 147,447 | 296 (NI) | 1,107 |
2021 | 158,018 | 5,984 | 932 |
2020 | 125,848 | 16,824 | 9,510 |
2019 | 106,672 | 14,058 | 9,340 |
2018 | 111,076 | 18,055 | 10,817 |
2017 | 95,552 | 14,535 | 11,987 |
2016 | 80,763 | 20,321 | Not available |
2015 | 62518 | 21300 | 13103 |
2014 | 52853 | 4872 | 549 |
2013 | 47986 | 19689 | 12353 |
2012 | 47676 | 19205 | 10794 |
2011 | 50688 | 19802 | 12651 |
2010 | 53946 | 19342 | 11405 |
2009 | 58692 | 13030 | 10690 |
About 2023 Data
Police data represent hate crimes recorded in Scotland (6,257), Northern Ireland (1,917) and England and Wales (140,561). Hate crimes recorded by police include "public order offences", some of which fall outside of the OSCE's definition of hate crime.
Police records from Scotland are based on 2022-23 data. Police records from England and Wales cover the period of April 2023 to March 2024. Police records from Northern Ireland cover the period of 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
Prosecution records from North Ireland are available here. No figures on hate crime prosecution from England and Wales, and Scotland were submitted.
No figures on the number of hate crimes sentences were submitted.
Hate crime recorded by police
The data below covers England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. A single hate crime may involve one or more hate motivations; therefore, the figures below do not add up to the above total. Given the different legal and policy frameworks used in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the breakdown below only displays data disaggregated by bias motivation, but not by type of crime, while both have been submitted to ODIHR.
ODIHR recognizes the United Kingdom's efforts to regularly report hate crime data to ODIHR and to address hate crime in a comprehensive manner. However, it observes that the United Kingdom would benefit from raising awareness among and building the capacity of criminal justice officials to address hate crime, particularly in respect of some of the more isolated victim groups.
ODIHR recalls that in Ministerial Council Decision 9/09, OSCE participating States committed to introducing or further developing professional training and capacity-building activities for law enforcement, prosecution and judicial officials dealing with hate crimes. ODIHR stands ready to support the United Kingdom in meeting the relevant commitments through its comprehensive resources and tailored capacity-building assistance for police, prosecution, and judiciary.
In addition to incidents submitted with detailed descriptions, this chart includes 750 anti-Semitic incidents reported as statistics by the Community Security Trust (CST).
🛈 Please note that the data in the charts above are based on voluntary civil society submissions and as such might not be representative of the actual number of incidents affecting individual communities.
🛈 Please note that the total number of incidents may be lower than the sum of incidents presented in the breakdown chart above, as some incidents involve multiple bias motivations.
🛈 ODIHR no longer presents descriptions of property attacks in the incident tables below. Data on property attacks are presented in the breakdown charts above. One property attack may target multiple properties or involve multiple types of attack.
In addition to incidents submitted with detailed descriptions, this chart includes 750 anti-Semitic incidents reported as statistics by the Community Security Trust (CST).
🛈 Please note that the data in the charts above are based on voluntary civil society submissions and as such might not be representative of the actual number of incidents affecting individual communities.
🛈 Please note that the total number of incidents may be lower than the sum of incidents presented in the breakdown chart above, as some incidents involve multiple bias motivations.
🛈 ODIHR no longer presents descriptions of property attacks in the incident tables below. Data on property attacks are presented in the breakdown charts above. One property attack may target multiple properties or involve multiple types of attack.
In addition to incidents submitted with detailed descriptions, this chart includes 750 anti-Semitic incidents reported as statistics by the Community Security Trust (CST).
🛈 Please note that the data in the charts above are based on voluntary civil society submissions and as such might not be representative of the actual number of incidents affecting individual communities.
🛈 Please note that the total number of incidents may be lower than the sum of incidents presented in the breakdown chart above, as some incidents involve multiple bias motivations.
🛈 ODIHR no longer presents descriptions of property attacks in the incident tables below. Data on property attacks are presented in the breakdown charts above. One property attack may target multiple properties or involve multiple types of attack.
Racist and xenophobic hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-02 | Threats/Harassment | Safer and Stronger Communities in Europe
Show info |
2023-08 | Threats/Harassment | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
Anti-Semitic hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
2023 | Violent attacks against people | Community Security Trust (CST)
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | Community Security Trust (CST)
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | OIDAC
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Anti-Muslim hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023 | Threats/Harassment | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
Anti-Christian hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-09 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-12 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | OIDAC
Show info |
Disability hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-04 | Threats/Harassment | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
Gender-based hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU)
Show info |
2023-02 | Threats/Harassment | Safer and Stronger Communities in Europe
Show info |
Anti-LGBTI hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU)
Show info |
2023-02 | Threats/Harassment | Safer and Stronger Communities in Europe
Show info |
2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |