Italy regularly reports hate crime data to ODIHR. Annual reports on hate crime have been published since 2010 and can be accessed here.
The Observatory for Security against Discriminatory Acts (OSCAD) carries out activities to prevent, counter and monitor hate crimes. OSCAD works closely with the National Office Against Racial Discrimination (UNAR), which deals with non-criminal hate incidents and coordinates a permanent consultation group to promote LGBTI rights and protection.
Italy implemented ODIHR's TAHCLE (Training Against Hate Crime for Law Enforcement) programme in 2014. Italy also participated in ODIHR's project on "Building a Comprehensive Criminal Justice Response to Hate Crime", which included the training of police, civil society, and lawyers on hate crime investigation and victim support, and the mapping of available hate crime data in the Lombardy region.
Year | Hate crimes recorded by police | Prosecuted | Sentenced |
2023 | 1,106 | Not available | Not available |
2022 | 1,393 | Not available | Not available |
2021 | 1,445 | Not available | Not available |
2020 | 1111 | Not available | Not available |
2019 | 1119 | - | - |
2018 | 1111 | 613 | 46 |
2017 | 1048 | 613 | 40 |
2016 | 736 | 424 | 31 |
2015 | 555 | Not available | Not available |
2014 | 596 | Not available | Not available |
2013 | 472 | Not available | Not available |
2012 | 71 | Not available | 10 |
2011 | 68 | 31 | 19 |
2010 | 56 | Not available | 60 |
2009 | 134 | Not available | Not available |
About 2023 Data
The police recorded figure refers to the number of alleged criminal offences, with one incident potentially involving several offences and one offence potentially involving more than one perpetrator.
The data include both substantive offences and aggravated crimes that involve an increased penalty.
The data may be subject to subsequent updates after the OSCAD cases now under consideration have been defined.
Hate crime recorded by police
Police data include information taken from the police database (SDI) and information gathered by the Observatory for Security against Acts of Discrimination (OSCAD). The breakdown below consists of: (i) SDI data covering the following bias motivations: "race"/skin colour; ethnicity; nationality; language; anti-Semitism; bias against Roma and Sinti; bias against Muslims; anti-Christian bias, and bias against members of other religions; and (ii) OSCAD data on hate crimes motivated by bias against "sexual orientation and transgender identity" and bias against disability. Due to the separate recording systems used by the police and by OSCAD, the data registered by OSCAD might not be present in the police database (SDI).
ODIHR recognizes Italy’s efforts to report its hate crime information and data to ODIHR. However, based on the available information, it observes that since 2018, Italy has not reported data on hate crimes recorded by the prosecution and judiciary. In addition, ODIHR observes that Italy would benefit from reviewing its existing legal framework in order to ensure that bias motivations can be effectively acknowledged, and appropriate penalties can be imposed on the perpetrators.
ODIHR recalls that in Ministerial Council Decision 9/09, OSCE participating States committed to collecting reliable data and statistics in sufficient detail on hate crimes and to reporting such crimes periodically to ODIHR. Participating States also committed to enacting specific, tailored legislation to combat hate crimes, providing for effective penalties that take into account the gravity of such crimes. ODIHR stands ready to support Italy in meeting its relevant commitments through the provision of comprehensive resources and tailored assistance in the area of hate crime recording and data collection, as well as by providing further resources and tailored legislative advice.
🛈 Please note that the total number of incidents may be lower than the sum of incidents presented in the breakdown chart above, as some incidents involve multiple bias motivations.
🛈 ODIHR no longer presents descriptions of property attacks in the incident tables below. Data on property attacks are presented in the breakdown charts above. One property attack may target multiple properties or involve multiple types of attack.
🛈 Please note that the total number of incidents may be lower than the sum of incidents presented in the breakdown chart above, as some incidents involve multiple bias motivations.
🛈 ODIHR no longer presents descriptions of property attacks in the incident tables below. Data on property attacks are presented in the breakdown charts above. One property attack may target multiple properties or involve multiple types of attack.
🛈 Please note that the total number of incidents may be lower than the sum of incidents presented in the breakdown chart above, as some incidents involve multiple bias motivations.
🛈 ODIHR no longer presents descriptions of property attacks in the incident tables below. Data on property attacks are presented in the breakdown charts above. One property attack may target multiple properties or involve multiple types of attack.
Racist and xenophobic hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | Safer and Stronger Communities in Europe
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-01 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-01 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-05 | Threats/Harassment | Lunaria
Show info |
2023 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
Anti-Semitic hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-09 | Threats/Harassment | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-12 | Violent attacks against people | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
2023-02 | Threats/Harassment | Observatory on anti-Semitism
Show info |
Anti-Christian hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | OIDAC
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-07 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-01 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
Disability hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
Gender-based hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU)
Show info |
2023-08 | Threats/Harassment | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |
Anti-LGBTI hate crime
Date | Type of incident | Source | Description |
2023-01 | Threats/Harassment | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-01 | Threats/Harassment | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-04 | Threats/Harassment | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-04 | Threats/Harassment | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-08 | Threats/Harassment | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-09 | Threats/Harassment | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-12 | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU)
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria
Show info |