Montenegro has reported information on hate crimes to ODIHR, most recently for the 2022 and 2023 Hate Crime Reports.
Montenegro has implemented ODIHR's Training Against Hate Crimes for Law Enforcement (TAHCLE) and Prosecutors and Hate Crime Training (PAHCT) programmes.
In 2017, Montenegro adopted measures to allow for the effective prosecution of hate crimes following the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Alkovic v. Montenegro (No. 66895/10). In 2023, Montenegro amended legislation to include public acts provoking or inciting racial and religious hatred (Article 370), as well as special circumstances for sentencing hate crimes (Article 42a).
Year | Hate crimes recorded by police | Prosecuted | Sentenced |
2023 | 19 | 4 | 623 |
2022 | 3 | Not available | 602 |
2021 | 7 | - | 5 |
2020 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2019 | 31 | - | 3 |
2018 | - | 0 | 1 |
2017 | Not available | Not available | 1 |
2016 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2015 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2014 | Not available | Not available | 0 |
2013 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2012 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2011 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2010 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2009 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
About 2017 Data
Five sentenced cases were reported to ODIHR, but most were decisions on the crime of violation of equality, a discrimination provision, or various speech offences, falling outside the OSCE's concept of hate crimes.
Hate crime recorded by police
ODIHR observes that Montenegro has not periodically reported to ODIHR the number of hate crimes recorded by police.
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) reported statistical data. This explains the discrepancy between the graphic above and the incidents included below.
Racist and xenophobic hate crime, Anti-Roma hate crime
In its "Concluding observations on the combined fourth to sixth periodic reports of Montenegro", the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) expressed concern at violence against Roma people and at the absence of updated and comprehensive disaggregated data on hate crimes. The Committee recommended that the authorities firmly counter acts of racist violence against any ethnic group, in particular Roma, and punish perpetrators with sanctions commensurate to their acts.