Finland regularly reports hate crime data to ODIHR. Finland has conducted victimization surveys to measure unreported hate crimes. The Finnish police closely co-operates with the Finnish Human Rights League, the Finnish Red Cross and Finnish Victim Support to develop a co-ordinated response to combat hate crimes. These organizations, along with the national police and other key authorities, form a network tasked by Finland's Ministry of Justice with monitoring hate crimes in Finland and developing adequate measures to prevent such crimes. Finland implemented ODIHR's Training Against Hate Crimes for Law Enforcement (TAHCLE) programme in 2017 and went on to train over 1,000 police officers on hate crimes before integrating the programme's hate crime modules into pre- and in-service training for police.
Year | Hate crimes recorded by police | Prosecuted | Sentenced |
2023 | 1,361 | 49 | 48 |
2022 | 1,094 | 121 | 27 |
2021 | 1,390 | 44 | 30 |
2020 | 1177 | 48 | 42 |
2019 | 900 | 22 | 17 |
2018 | 880 | 55 | 21 |
2017 | 1497 | 63 | 37 |
2016 | 1311 | N/A | N/A |
2015 | 1704 | Not available | Not available |
2014 | 954 | Not available | Not available |
2013 | 904 | Not available | Not available |
2012 | 836 | 38 | 12 |
2011 | 1418 | 29 | 12 |
2010 | 1407 | 38 | Not available |
2009 | 1580 | 41 | Not available |
About 2013 Data
The police also records criminal forms of intolerance other than hate crimes, such as defamation, other hate speech offences and criminal discrimination. These data are reported to ODIHR but are not included in the overall figure or in the breakdown below. Prosecution and sentencing data reported to ODIHR only consist of crimes of ethnic agitation, aggravated ethnic agitation, discrimination, work discrimination and extortionate discrimination, and are not, therefore, included in the overall figure.
Hate crime recorded by police
ODIHR observes that Finland has not reported information on the numbers of prosecuted or sentenced hate crime cases to ODIHR.
Incidents reported by civil society, international organizations and the Holy See
Racist and xenophobic hate crime
In its fourth report, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that Finland reinforce training provided to members of the justice system on legislation relating to racism and racial discrimination, improve the monitoring of racist acts and ensure that racist crimes are duly punished under relevant national hate crime legislation.