2024 Hate Crime Report: Call for Civil Society Submissions
The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) is now collecting data and information on hate incidents that happened in the OSCE region in 2024. The information and incidents will be published on this website on 16 November 2025.
Please submit your data and information to ODIHR by 30 April 2025 by emailing hatecrimereport@odihr.pl.You can submit your data and incidents using ODIHR’s Reporting Template.You may also submit incidents in your preferred format (e.g., hate monitoring reports, data tables, reporting forms), so long as the submission includes sufficient information about each incident. |
What information to include when submitting incidents?
ODIHR processes detailed descriptions of hate incidents reported by civil society.
We ask civil society groups to provide as much information as possible about each incident, including the location, date, and any indications that the incident was motivated by bias. To learn more about the type of information to include, please read the guidance provided in our reporting template and factsheets (linked below). This will help to ensure that your incidents are included when ODIHR publishes its 2024 Hate Crime Report on 16 November 2025.
Data and information sent to ODIHR are reviewed for accuracy and to ensure that they conform to the OSCE's concept of hate crime (a criminal offence motivated by bias). As such, incidents of discrimination and hate speech/criminalized hate speech are excluded from our reporting.
Prior to publication, all civil society contributors will receive an email inviting them to review the information they submitted. The consultation period will take place in October 2025.
New for 2024: Focus on qualitative findings
In response to feedback and to improve understanding of ODIHR’s findings, the 2024 Hate Crime Report will feature a short summary of civil society submissions to ODIHR on each country page. These summaries will appear above the incident tables presenting individual descriptions of each incident reported to us.
Data charts presenting the number of incidents disaggregated by bias motivation and type of crime will no longer appear on country pages; however, these data will be used in the infographic published on the Hate Crime Data page.
This focus on qualitative information will help to contextualize the incidents and support understanding of civil society monitoring. Additionally, ODIHR will include descriptions of property attacks in the incident tables (descriptions of property attacks were removed in 2022 and 2023).
Why should you report hate incidents to ODIHR?
ODIHR’s Hate Crime Report represents the largest collection of data and information on hate crime in the world, and provides an overview of hate crimes reported by states alongside hate incidents reported by civil society, international organizations and the Holy See across the OSCE's 57 participating States.
Reporting by civil society is essential: it highlights gaps in official reporting and is used by states and international organizations to improve policies to address hate crime and support the victims.
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