National frameworks to address hate crime in Andorra

This page provides information on the national frameworks to address hate crime in Andorra. The information provided here should be viewed alongside data presented on Andorra's hate crime report page.

Hate crime recording and data collection

The National Police Corps' (Cos de Policia) Centre for Data Processing (CDP) is the department responsible for collecting and storing hate crime data. The CDP is the body to which hate crimes are reported and which manages this data for statistical and criminal analyses.

Once preliminary legal proceedings are initiated, they are registered in the "Avantius" information system. However, the system does not allow crimes based on a discriminatory motive (where the aggravating circumstance of Article 30.6 of the Andorran Criminal Code applies) to be registered. There is no policy document providing guidance to police officers on hate crimes.

In addition to registering investigative proceedings in the "Avantius" information system, the Public Prosecutor's Office records the criminal proceedings registered by the court of first instance and the courts in another information system ("Lotus") in order to keep records of the crimes investigated. However, the recording system does not record and disaggregate offences committed with the aggravating circumstance of Article 30.6 of the Andorran Criminal Code. There is also no mechanism available to know how many times the aggravating circumstance of discrimination has been applied. At the same time, the system allows for hate crimes motivated by a gender bias to be recorded separately (Article 114 bis of the Criminal Code).

The Tribunal de Corts only collects data on convictions for crimes or aggravating circumstances. The data is not public and can only be accessed by the convicts themselves or judicial authorities.

Each year, the Public Prosecutor's Office prepares a report detailing the activities carried out by the office and outlining its stance on the evolution of crime and its prevention. These reports provide a public record of the work of the Office and an explanation of the institution's perspective. Data on proceedings due to gender-based violence can be obtained and the status of these cases can be checked using the "Avantius" system, although resolutions issued in such cases can be accessed only once they have been signed by the judicial authority.  

Hate crime capacity-building

In 2016, all Andorran magistrates participated in a course on investigating and prosecuting hate crimes.