Hate crime legislation in Türkiye
Criminal Code of Türkiye (Law no. 5237) (English)
(Unofficial translation, emphasis added)
Excerpts related to hate crime
Article 115 - Preventing the Exercise of Freedom of Belief, Thought and Conviction
(1) Any person who, by force or threat, compels another person to declare or change his religious, political, social, philosophical beliefs, thoughts and convictions, or prevents him from declaring or disseminating them shall be sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years.
(2) (Amended on 2 March 2014 by Article 14 of the Law no. 6529) Where the fulfilment of religious beliefs or the conduct individual or collective religious worships or rituals is prevented by force, threat or other unlawful behaviour, the perpetrator shall be sentenced according to the first paragraph.
(3) (Added on 2 March 2014 by Article 14 of the Law no. 6529) A person who interferes with or forces a person to change his lifestyle choices arising from his beliefs, thoughts or convictions by using force or threats or by any other unlawful behaviour shall be sentenced according to the provision of the first paragraph.
Article 153 - Damaging Places of Worship and Cemeteries
(1) Any person, who damages the buildings, associated buildings (or structures upon such) of a place of worship or the removable property therein, or a structure with the purpose of protecting a cemetery by destroying, damaging or breaking, shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of one to four years.
(2) Any person who soils the places or structures listed in the first paragraph shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of three months to one year, or to a judicial fine.
(3) Where the offences in paragraphs one and two are committed with the aim of defaming a related religious group, the penalty to be imposed shall be increased by one third.