Hate crime legislation in Norway

Penal Code of the Kingdom of Norway (2005, as amended 2020) (excerpts related to Hate Crimes) (English)

Section 77. Aggravating circumstances

When sentencing, in aggravating circumstances, particular consideration must be given to the fact that the offence:


  1. has its background in another's religion or way of life, skin colour, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, functional ability or other conditions that conflict with groups with a special need for protection.


Section 272. Gross assault on the body

Aggravated assault is punishable by imprisonment up to 6 years. When deciding whether the assault is serious, particular emphasis shall be placed on whether it has resulted in severe pain, injury or death, and otherwise on it


e.         is motivated by the offender's skin colour, national or ethnic origin, religion, belief, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression or disability, or


Section 274. Gross bodily injury

Grievous bodily harm is punishable by imprisonment up to 10 years. In deciding whether the bodily injury is serious, particular emphasis shall be placed on whether it has resulted in incurable blemish or injury, illness or incapacity for work of any duration or severe pain, significant injury or death, and otherwise whether it


e.         is motivated by the offender's skin colour, national or ethnic origin, religion, belief, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression or disability, or


Section 352. Aggravated criminal damage

Aggravated criminal damage is punishable by a fine or imprisonment up to 6 years. When deciding whether the criminal damage is serious, particular emphasis shall be placed on:


c.         whether it was motivated by the offender's skin colour, national or ethnic origin, religion, belief, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression or disability, and
