Find out how hate crimes impact Christians across the OSCE region
ODIHR has just published a new factsheet on hate crimes against Christians. Find out more about it here.
Christians of various denominations are targets of hate crime across the OSCE region. The nature of hate crimes against Christians ranges from attacks on property, including graffiti and vandalism, to physical assaults. This factsheet highlights how hate crimes affect Christians, and helps readers to effectively identify anti-Christian hate crimes.
Recognizing and reporting on these hate crimes is an important part of that response, and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has just published a new leaflet on how to do this. This is the third publication in a series that highlights how hate crime affects different communities. The first leaflet addressed hate crimes against people with disabilities.
Read or download the factsheet below. You can also find the factsheet on the ODIHR website, at
You can also find out how to report hate incidents to ODIHR by visiting our dedicated page here.