Civil society contributors to ODIHR's 2023 Hate Crime Report
Recognizing the contribution of civil society organizations to ODIHR’s Hate Crime Report
Reporting by civil society is essential to efforts to address hate crime. Through their active monitoring efforts and outreach among communities affected by hate crime, civil society are able to shine a light on the hate crime situation across the OSCE region. Civil society data and incidents included in ODIHR’s Hate Crime Report are used by States and international organizations to improve policies to address hate crime and support the victims.
ODIHR is grateful to all contributors to our reporting for their work to monitor and raise awareness about hate crimes.
Regional contributors
National contributors

- Antidiskriminierungsstelle Steiermark (Anti-Discrimination Office - Styria)
- Dokustell - Dokumentations- und Beratungsstelle, Islamfeindlichkeit und Antimuslimischer Rassismus (Documentation and consulting center for Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism)
- Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien - IKG-Wien (Jewish Communities of Vienna)
- WEISSER RING Verbrechensopferhilfe (WEISSER RING Crime Victim Assistance)
- ZARA – Zivil courage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit (ZARA - Civil Courage and Anti-racism Work)

- Croatian civil society coalition
- Centar za mirovne studije – CMS (Centre for Peace Studies – CPS)
- Documenta – Centar za suočavanje s prošlošću (Documenta - Centre for Dealing with the Past)
- Građani Organizirano Nadgledaju Glasanje – GONG (Citizens Supervising Voting in an organized manner – GONG)
- Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava – Hrvatska – YIHR Hrvatska (Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Croatia - YIHR Croatia)
- Kuća ljudskih prava Zagreb (Human Rights House Zagreb – HRH Zagreb)
- Srpsko narodno vijeće (SNV) (Serb National Council)
- Zagreb Pride
- Lezbijska organizacija Rijeka "LORI" (Lesbian Organization Rijeka - LORI)

- Association of Counseling Centers for Victims of Right-wing, Racist and Anti-Semitic Violence in Germany (VBRG) (LOBBI)
- Landesweite Opferberatung Beistand und Information für Betroffene rechter Gewalt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (LOBBI)
- Opferperspektive – Solidarisch gegen Rassismus, Diskriminierung und rechte Gewalt e.V (Victim's Perspective)
- Opferberatung Rheinland (OBR)
- BackUp
- Mobile Opferberatung
- ZEBRA – Zentrum für Betroffene rechter Angriffe e.V.
- Ezra
- RAA Sachsen e. V. (RAA Saxony, Advisory Office for Victims of Hate Crimes)
- ReachOut
- Leuchtlinie- Beratung für Betroffene von rechter Gewalt in Baden-Württemberg
- CLAIM - Allianz gegen Islam – und Muslimfeindlichkeit (CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred)
- FAIR International Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
- Bundesverband der Recherche- und Informationsstellen Antisemitismus e.V. - RIAS (Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information on Antisemitism – RIAS)
- Mann-O-Meter (MANEO)

- Κεντρικό Ισραηλιτικό Συμβούλιο ΚΙΣ (Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece - KIS)
- Πολιτιστικοσ Μορφωτικοσ Συλλογοσ Γυναικων Ρομα Δροσερου Ξανθησ «Η Ελπιδα» (Cultural Educational Association of Roma Women of Drosero Xanthi "The Hope")
- Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία Τούρκων Δυτικής Θράκης - ΕΟΤΔΘ / Avrupa Batı Trakya Türk Federasyonu - ABTTF (Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe – ABTTF)
- Δίκτυο Καταγραφής Περιστατικών Ρατσιστικής Βίας (Racist Violence Recording Network - RVRN)
- Western Thrace Minority Graduates Association (WTMUGA)

- Centrul de informaţii "GenderDoc-M" / Центр информации «ГендерДок-М» (Information Center "GenderDoc-M")
- Comunitatea Evreiască din Republica Moldova - CERM / Еврейская Община Республики Молдова - ЕОРМ (Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova)
- Centrul de Resurse Juridice - CRJ (Legal Resources Centre from Moldova - LRCM)


- Балкански Мост (Balkan bridge)
- DELO Skopje
- Хелсиншки комитет за човекови права на Република Македонија / Komitetit të Helsinkit për të Drejtat e Njeriut (Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia)


- Gdańskie Centrum Równego Traktowania (Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment - GCRT)
- Żydowskie Stowarzyszenie Czulent (Jewish Association - CZULENT)
- Stowarzyszenie "Nigdy Więcej" ("Never Again" Association)
- ORDO IURIS - Instytut Na Rzecz Kultury Prawnej (Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture)
- Fundacja "Pro Futuro Theologiae" ("Pro Futuro Theologiae" Foundation)

- Vereinigung der Islamischen Organisationen in Zürich (Association of Islamic Organizations in Zurich)
- Beratungs Netz Für Rassismus Opfer (Consultation Network for the Victims of Racism)
- Coordination Intercommunautaire Contre l'Antisémitisme et la Diffamation (CICAD) (Intercommunity Co-ordination against Anti-Semitism and Defamation)
- Pink Cross
- Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund - SIG / Fédération suisse des communautés israélites - FSCI / Federazione svizzera delle comunità israelite (FSCI) (Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG))

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