Преступления на почве ненависти к ЛГБТИ
Совершение преступлений на почве ненависти против лесбиянок, геев, бисексуалов, трансгендеров и интерсексуалов (ЛГБТИ) мотивируется предубеждением в отношении сексуальной ориентации или гендерной идентичности человека. В некоторых случаях СМИ и политики представляют ЛГБТИ людей как грозную или низшую группу, представляющую опасность для общественного здоровья и "традиционных" структур, таких как брак и семья. ЛГБТИ люди продолжают повергаться стигматизации и отсутствию правовой защиты от дискриминации и преступлений на почве ненависти. Ежегодные отчеты БДИПЧ о преступлениях на почве ненависти включают в себя сообщения о физических нападениях и убийствах, причем трансгендерные люди находятся в группе особого риска. Серьезные физические групповые нападения, особенно во время прайд-парадов, также являются типичными особенностями преступлений на почве ненависти против ЛГБТИ.
States that report
Incidents were reported on these states
Босния и Герцеговина
Чешская Республика
Северная Македония
Российская Федерация
Соединенное Королевство
Overview of incidents reported by civil society
Attacks Against People | Attacks Against Property | Итого | |
Violent Attacks | Threats | ||
478 | 101 | 22 | 601 |
International Reports
In its fifth report on Albania, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that police consult civil society regularly on hate crimes and investigate these crimes thoroughly, fully considering bias motivation.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) provided technical assistance to the civil society groups We for Civil Equality and Exchange of Letters, allowing victims of LGBT hate crime to be referred to them for support.
In its fifth report, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that the Bulgarian authorities include sexual orientation and gender identity in all the articles of the criminal code addressing hate speech and hate crime. It also recommended the collection of data on hate speech and hate crime against LGBT people, including on the number of cases reported, investigated and prosecuted.
Босния и Герцеговина
The UN Human Rights Council, in its Universal Periodic Review (UPR), recommended that local authorities collect and evaluate hate crime data, and publicly and unequivocally condemn any hate crime against LGBT groups and bring those responsible to justice.
In its fifth report on Greece, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended including sexual orientation and gender identity in the mandate of new anti-racism police units. It also recommended that the authorities offer training to police, judges and prosecutors on violent incidents and the application of Article 81A of the Criminal Code, which concerns hate crimes.
It its fifth report on Norway, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) praised the Oslo police for creating a specialized hate crime unit, involving civil society organizations in police officer training and conducting regular dialogue with civil society. ECRI recommended the creation of an electronic system for recording and monitoring racist and homophobic/transphobic incidents and processing them through the judicial system.
Северная Македония
In its report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the United Nations Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) called upon the authorities to take appropriate measures to prevent and end impunity for violence against the LGBT community.
The OSCE Mission to Serbia reported that the Ministry of Interior launched a project with Labris to train some 120 police officers on addressing hate crimes against LGBT communities.
In his report following the country visit to Serbia, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe praised the country’s efforts in the field of hate crime training for judicial officials and the adoption of the "Action Plan for the Improvement of Work and Co-operation of the Police with Representatives and Associations of Persons of Different Sexual Orientation." He expressed concern over the large number of hate crimes targeting Roma and Sinti, and noted the persistent violence against LGBT people.
In its fifth report on Slovakia, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) noted the amendments to aggravating circumstances provisions in the criminal code and reiterated the need for detailed statistical data on racist and homophobic/transphobic hate crime.
In his country visit report, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe expressed concern at rising racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim and homophobic rhetoric and acts. He stressed that the existing, solid legal framework needs to be complemented by more preventive and awareness-raising measures.
In its fifth report on Switzerland, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that the Swiss authorities improve their system for recording and monitoring violent incidents in order to obtain more reliable statistics on the racist, homophobic or transphobic motivations of offences.