Преступления на почве ненависти к рома
Государства-участники ОБСЕ признали опасность этнической ненависти в отношении рома и синти еще в 1990 году. Антиромская риторика, в том числе риторика о "цыганской преступности", может усугубляться средствами массовой информации и политическими деятелями. Расширение ЕС с одновременной маргинализацией рома побудило многих людей и семьи к миграции для поиска лучших условий и возможностей в других местах, часто сталкиваясь с негативным приемом в странах или регионах прибытия. В ежегодных отчетах БДИПЧ о преступлениях на почве ненависти содержится ряд преступлений на почве ненависти против рома. В этих отчетах фигурируют нападения, нанесение материального ущерба и убийства, в том числе с применением взрывчатых веществ, огнестрельного оружия или коктейлей Молотова. Среди инцидентов, о которых было сообщено БДИПЧ, вызывающих особую обеспокоенность, были поджоги домов рома или групповые нападения с применением насилия на целые общины или поселения.
States that report
Incidents were reported on these states
Overview of incidents reported by other sources
Violent attacks against people | Threats/Harassment | Attacks against property | Итого |
25 | 4 | 3 | 32 |
Дата | Страна | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание | |
2023 | Greece | Threats/Harassment | Roma Women's Association of Drosero "The Hope" | Show info | |
2023 | Türkiye | Threats/Harassment | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2023-02 | Türkiye | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2023-02 | Türkiye | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2023-02 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-02 | Moldova | Threats/Harassment | Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) | Show info | |
2023-02 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred | Show info | |
2023-03 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-04 | Serbia | Threats/Harassment | OSCE Mission to Serbia | Show info | |
2023-04 | Albania | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Spain | Violent attacks against people | Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Hungary | Violent attacks against people | Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2023-05 | Türkiye | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2023-05 | Austria | Violent attacks against people | ZARA | Show info | |
2023-06 | North Macedonia | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Skopje | Show info | |
2023-06 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-06 | Türkiye | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Türkiye | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-07 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Romania | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Hungary | Violent attacks against people | Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2023-08 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-09 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2023-10 | Slovakia | Violent attacks against people | Human Rights League | Show info | |
2023-11 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC), Roma Women's Association of Drosero "The Hope" | Show info | |
2023-11 | Türkiye | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2023-12 | Türkiye | Violent attacks against people | Human Rights Association | Show info | |
2023-12 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Serbia | Show info |