Германия регулярно предоставляет БДИПЧ данные о преступлениях на почве ненависти. На уровне федеральных земель налажено тесное сотрудничество с гражданским обществом в области поддержки жертв преступлений на почве ненависти, а именно с организацией гражданского общества Weisser Ring и рядом других специализированных организаций гражданского общества. Федеральное министерство юстиции и Федеральный уполномоченный по делам жертв находятся в постоянном контакте с рядом учреждений по поддержке жертв и представителями жертв. В Германии проводятся виктимологические исследования для определения количества незарегистрированных преступлений на почве ненависти. С последним отчетом, охватывающим период с 2012 по 2017 год, можно ознакомиться здесь.
В 2021 году БДИПЧ совместно с федеральными министерствами организовало виртуальный ознакомительный визит в Германию, направленный на укрепление сотрудничества между правительством и гражданским обществом в области поддержки жертв преступлений на почве ненависти.
Правительство Германии финансирует несколько организаций и проектов, занимающихся мониторингом инцидентов на почве ненависти и оказанием помощи жертвам таких преступлений. В их числе поддерживается Сеть экспертов по борьбе с антисемитизмом (KOMPAS), которая объединяет пять опытных организаций гражданского общества, регистрирующих антисемитские инциденты и разрабатывающих меры по предотвращению антисемитизма. Кроме того, правительство финансирует Сеть экспертов по вопросам распространения ненависти в интернете, которая консультирует жертв языка вражды, укрепляет связи среди организаций гражданского общества и разрабатывает образовательные материалы для повышения уровня медийной грамотности.
Year | Hate crimes recorded by police | Prosecuted | Sentenced |
2023 | 17,007 | Not available | Not available |
2022 | 11,520 | Not available | Not available |
2021 | 10,501 | Not available | Not available |
2020 | 10,240 | Not available | Not available |
2019 | 8,585 | - | - |
2018 | 8,113 | Not available | Not available |
2017 | 7,913 | Not available | Not available |
2016 | 3,598 | Not available | Not available |
2015 | 3046 | Not available | Not available |
2014 | 3059 | Not available | Not available |
2013 | 4647 | Not available | Not available |
2012 | 4514 | Not available | Not available |
2011 | 4040 | Not available | Not available |
2010 | 3770 | Not available | Not available |
2009 | 4583 | Not available | Not available |
About 2023 Data
The total number presented here and, in the breakdown, below may include offences, which fall outside the OSCE hate crime definition. A criminal incident with more than one bias motivation is registered under all relevant categories. Therefore, a single incident may be recorded under multiple entries in the breakdown below.
Hate crime recorded by police
The breakdown below may include offences that fall outside the OSCE hate crime definition. One criminal incident may be recorded with more than one bias motivation in the breakdown below.
ODIHR recognizes Germany's efforts to enhance hate crime data collection and recording, as well as efforts to address hate crimes online. However, based on the available information, it observes that Germany has not reported data on hate crimes recorded by the prosecution and judiciary to ODIHR. In addition, ODIHR observes that Germany would benefit from raising awareness among and building the capacity of law enforcement and criminal justice officials to combat hate crimes.
ODIHR recalls that in Ministerial Council Decision 9/09, OSCE participating States committed to collect reliable data and statistics in sufficient detail on hate crimes and to report such crimes periodically to ODIHR. Participating States also committed to introduce or further develop professional training and capacity-building activities for law enforcement, prosecution, and judicial officials dealing with hate crimes. ODIHR stands ready to support Germany in meeting its relevant commitments through the provision of comprehensive resources and tailored assistance in the area of hate crime recording and data collection, as well as by providing further resources and tailored capacity-building assistance for police, prosecution, and judiciary.
In addition to incidents submitted with detailed descriptions, this chart includes the following incidents reported as statistics: 279 anti-LGBTI incidents reported by MANEO; 750 anti-Semitic incidents reported by the Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information on Antisemitism (RIAS); 318 anti-Semitic, 1,437 racist and xenophobic, 245 anti-LGBTI, and 14 disability hate incidents reported by the Association of Counseling Centers for Victims of Right-wing, Racist and Antisemitic Violence in Germany (VBRG).
🛈 Please note that the data in the charts above are based on voluntary civil society submissions and as such might not be representative of the actual number of incidents affecting individual communities.
🛈 Please note that the total number of incidents may be lower than the sum of incidents presented in the breakdown chart above, as some incidents involve multiple bias motivations.
🛈 ODIHR no longer presents descriptions of property attacks in the incident tables below. Data on property attacks are presented in the breakdown charts above. One property attack may target multiple properties or involve multiple types of attack.
In addition to incidents submitted with detailed descriptions, this chart includes the following incidents reported as statistics: 279 anti-LGBTI incidents reported by MANEO; 750 anti-Semitic incidents reported by the Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information on Antisemitism (RIAS); 318 anti-Semitic, 1,437 racist and xenophobic, 245 anti-LGBTI, and 14 disability hate incidents reported by the Association of Counseling Centers for Victims of Right-wing, Racist and Antisemitic Violence in Germany (VBRG).
🛈 Please note that the data in the charts above are based on voluntary civil society submissions and as such might not be representative of the actual number of incidents affecting individual communities.
🛈 Please note that the total number of incidents may be lower than the sum of incidents presented in the breakdown chart above, as some incidents involve multiple bias motivations.
🛈 ODIHR no longer presents descriptions of property attacks in the incident tables below. Data on property attacks are presented in the breakdown charts above. One property attack may target multiple properties or involve multiple types of attack.
In addition to incidents submitted with detailed descriptions, this chart includes the following incidents reported as statistics: 279 anti-LGBTI incidents reported by MANEO; 750 anti-Semitic incidents reported by the Federal Association of Departments for Research and Information on Antisemitism (RIAS); 318 anti-Semitic, 1,437 racist and xenophobic, 245 anti-LGBTI, and 14 disability hate incidents reported by the Association of Counseling Centers for Victims of Right-wing, Racist and Antisemitic Violence in Germany (VBRG).
🛈 Please note that the data in the charts above are based on voluntary civil society submissions and as such might not be representative of the actual number of incidents affecting individual communities.
🛈 Please note that the total number of incidents may be lower than the sum of incidents presented in the breakdown chart above, as some incidents involve multiple bias motivations.
🛈 ODIHR no longer presents descriptions of property attacks in the incident tables below. Data on property attacks are presented in the breakdown charts above. One property attack may target multiple properties or involve multiple types of attack.
Racist and xenophobic hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2023-06 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | Department for Research and Information on Anti-Semitism – RIAS
Show info |
2023-12 | Violent attacks against people | Department for Research and Information on Anti-Semitism – RIAS
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-01 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-12 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-01 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-12 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-01 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-01 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-01 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-01 | Threats/Harassment | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-06 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-06 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
Anti-Roma hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
Anti-Semitic hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | Department for Research and Information on Anti-Semitism – RIAS
Show info |
2023-12 | Violent attacks against people | Department for Research and Information on Anti-Semitism – RIAS
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
Anti-Muslim hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2023-06 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-05 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-01 | Threats/Harassment | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-12 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-01 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-09 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-09 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-12 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023 | Threats/Harassment | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-01 | Threats/Harassment | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-06 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-06 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-01 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-08 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-05 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-07 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-08 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-08 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
2023-11 | Threats/Harassment | FAIR international - Federation against Injustice and Racism e. V.
Show info |
Anti-Christian hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2023-01 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-02 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-02 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-04 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-04 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-05 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-05 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-05 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-05 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-05 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-05 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-05 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-08 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-09 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-09 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
Show info |
2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | Jehovah's Witnesses
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2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | Jehovah's Witnesses
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2023-12 | Threats/Harassment | OIDAC
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Gender-based hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | MANEO
Show info |
2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-12 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-09 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-11 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
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2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | CLAIM - Allianz against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim hatred
Show info |
2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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Anti-LGBTI hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-01 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-01 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-02 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-02 | Threats/Harassment | MANEO
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2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-03 | Threats/Harassment | MANEO
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2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-03 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-04 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-05 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-06 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-07 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-10 | Violent attacks against people | MANEO
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2023-10 | Threats/Harassment | MANEO
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2023-08 | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
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