Преступления на почве ненависти к рома
Государства-участники ОБСЕ признали опасность этнической ненависти в отношении рома и синти еще в 1990 году. Антиромская риторика, в том числе риторика о "цыганской преступности", может усугубляться средствами массовой информации и политическими деятелями. Расширение ЕС с одновременной маргинализацией рома побудило многих людей и семьи к миграции для поиска лучших условий и возможностей в других местах, часто сталкиваясь с негативным приемом в странах или регионах прибытия. В ежегодных отчетах БДИПЧ о преступлениях на почве ненависти содержится ряд преступлений на почве ненависти против рома. В этих отчетах фигурируют нападения, нанесение материального ущерба и убийства, в том числе с применением взрывчатых веществ, огнестрельного оружия или коктейлей Молотова. Среди инцидентов, о которых было сообщено БДИПЧ, вызывающих особую обеспокоенность, были поджоги домов рома или групповые нападения с применением насилия на целые общины или поселения.
Incidents were reported on these states
Overview of incidents reported by other sources
Violent attacks against people | Threats/Harassment | Attacks against property | Итого |
30 | 15 | 8 | 53 |
Дата | Страна | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание | |
2017 | Italy | Threats/Harassment | Association 21 July | Show info | |
2017 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN), UNHCR | Show info | |
2017 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | UNHCR | Show info | |
2017-01 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-01 | North Macedonia | Attacks against property | Macedonian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (MHC), OSCE Mission to Skopje | Show info | |
2017-01 | North Macedonia | Attacks against property | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2017-01 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria | Show info | |
2017-01 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-02 | Hungary | Violent attacks against people | Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2017-03 | Italy | Attacks against property | Lunaria | Show info | |
2017-03 | Italy | Attacks against property | Lunaria | Show info | |
2017-03 | Norway | Violent attacks against people | Norwegian Centre against Racism | Show info | |
2017-03 | Hungary | Threats/Harassment | Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2017-03 | Hungary | Violent attacks against people | UNHCR | Show info | |
2017-03 | Romania | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2017-04 | Ukraine | Threats/Harassment | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2017-04 | France | Threats/Harassment | Observatory of Christianophobia | Show info | |
2017-04 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-04 | Bulgaria | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2017-04 | Czech Republic | Threats/Harassment | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-04 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-04 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | UNHCR | Show info | |
2017-05 | Croatia | Violent attacks against people | Croatian civil society coalition | Show info | |
2017-05 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2017-05 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | UNHCR | Show info | |
2017-05 | Slovakia | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2017-05 | Hungary | Violent attacks against people | Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2017-05 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-06 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2017-06 | Czech Republic | Threats/Harassment | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-06 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Serbia | Show info | |
2017-06 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina | Show info | |
2017-07 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Association 21 July | Show info | |
2017-07 | Italy | Threats/Harassment | Association 21 July | Show info | |
2017-07 | North Macedonia | Violent attacks against people | Macedonian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (MHC), OSCE Mission to Skopje | Show info | |
2017-08 | Bulgaria | Violent attacks against people | European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) | Show info | |
2017-08 | Czech Republic | Threats/Harassment | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-08 | Italy | Attacks against property | Association 21 July | Show info | |
2017-08 | Italy | Threats/Harassment | Association 21 July | Show info | |
2017-09 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina | Show info | |
2017-09 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Association 21 July | Show info | |
2017-09 | France | Attacks against property | Observatory of Christianophobia | Show info | |
2017-10 | Austria | Threats/Harassment | ZARA | Show info | |
2017-10 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-10 | Italy | Attacks against property | Observatory on anti-Semitism | Show info | |
2017-11 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-11 | Czech Republic | Threats/Harassment | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-11 | Czech Republic | Threats/Harassment | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-12 | Czech Republic | Threats/Harassment | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-12 | Czech Republic | Threats/Harassment | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-12 | Czech Republic | Threats/Harassment | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2017-12 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Serbia | Show info | |
2017-12 | Moldova | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Moldova | Show info |
International Reports
In its "Fifth report on Moldova", the Council of Europe's European Commission against Racism and Intolerance recommended that the authorities put in place a system to record hate crimes, collect and publish hate crime data, and ensure that hate crimes are effectively investigated. To these ends, ECRI recommended that the authorities increase its training efforts for police officers and justice officials, and implement confidence-building measures to enhance the relationship between the police and vulnerable groups, in particular, the Roma and the LGBT community.
Северная Македония
In its "Resolution on the 2018 Commission Report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", the European Parliament urged the authorities to effectively address hate crime against minorities, in particular, the Roma and the LGBT communities, and to ensure the effective protection of affected communities and dissuasive sanctions for these hate crimes.
In its fifth report on Croatia, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) observed that many cases of hate crime, especially those targeting Serbs, LGBT people and Roma, are only classified as misdemeanours. ECRI recommended that the bias motive be incorporated from the very beginning in investigations and training for police officers and judicial officials.
In its "Concluding observations on the combined fourth to sixth periodic reports of Montenegro", the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) expressed concern at violence against Roma people and at the absence of updated and comprehensive disaggregated data on hate crimes. The Committee recommended that the authorities firmly counter acts of racist violence against any ethnic group, in particular Roma, and punish perpetrators with sanctions commensurate to their acts.