Босния и Герцеговина
Босния и Герцеговина предоставляет БДИПЧ данные о преступлениях на почве ненависти через Министерство внутренних дел. В Боснии и Герцеговине не существует институциональной системы регистрации и сбора данных о преступлениях на почве ненависти. В сотрудничестве с БДИПЧ и Миссией ОБСЕ в Боснии и Герцеговине власти Республики Сербской работали над улучшением учета и сбора данных о преступлениях на почве ненависти в рамках Программы содействия надлежащемy учету преступлений на почве ненависти и борьбе с ними (ИНФАКТ), в том числе посредством диагностического семинара, проведенного в апреле 2022 года. Босния и Герцеговина также сотрудничает с БДИПЧ и Миссией ОБСЕ в подготовке сотрудников правоохранительных органов и работников системы уголовного правосудия по вопросам преступлений на почве ненависти.
Босния и Герцеговина начала реализацию Плана действий по решению гендерных вопросов на 2023–2027 годы. Меры по предотвращению преступлений на почве ненависти были интегрированы в стратегическую реализацию этого Плана.
Year | Hate crimes recorded by police | Prosecuted | Sentenced |
2023 | 54 | 10 | 8 |
2022 | 42 | 8 | 6 |
2021 | 45 | 7 | 4 |
2020 | 8 | 8 | 5 |
2019 | 21 | 13 | 9 |
2018 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2017 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2016 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2015 | 24 | 12 | 3 |
2014 | 200 | 36 | 23 |
2013 | 350 | 77 | 88 |
2012 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2011 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2010 | 19 | Not available | Not available |
2009 | 15 | Not available | Not available |
Hate crime recorded by police
ODIHR observes that Bosnia and Herzegovina has not reported hate crime data disaggregated by bias motivation to ODIHR.
Racist and xenophobic hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2016-01 | Threats | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-05 | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-06 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-07 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-08 | Threats | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-06 | Violent attacks against people | SETA
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2016-10 | Threats | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-08 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-09 | Violent attacks against people | SETA
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2016-09 | Violent attacks against people | SETA
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2016-04 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-10 | Threats | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-10 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-04 | Attacks against property | UNHCR in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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2016-11 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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Anti-Muslim hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2016-06 | Threats | SETA
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2016-06 | Attacks against property | SETA
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2016-01 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-01 | Attacks against property | SETA
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2016-01 | Attacks against property | SETA
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2016-09 | Attacks against property | SETA
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2016-08 | Attacks against property | SETA
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2016-09 | Attacks against property | SETA
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2016-04 | Attacks against property | SETA
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2016-09 | Violent attacks against people | SETA
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2016-05 | Threats | SETA
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2016-06 | Violent attacks against people | SETA
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2016-09 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-08 | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-10 | Threats | SETA
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2016-04 | Attacks against property | UNHCR in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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2016-06 | Violent attacks against people | UNHCR in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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2016-04 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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Anti-Christian hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2016-12 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-06 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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2016-01 | Attacks against property | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
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Anti-LGBTI hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2016-04 | Threats | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC)
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2016-04 | Threats | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC)
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2016-05 | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC)
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2016-11 | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC)
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2016-07 | Threats | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC)
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2016-12 | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC)
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2016-03 | Violent attacks against people | ILGA-Europe
OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina
Sarajevo Open Center (SOC)
UNHCR in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Racist and xenophobic hate crime, Anti-LGBTI hate crime
In its third report on Bosnia and Herzegovina, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that bias motivation be made an aggravating circumstance at the state and entity levels where this is not yet the case. ECRI also recommended that the authorities expand training on hate crimes that would include violence against returnees, religious communities and LGBT people; and that the police duly investigate homophobic and transphobic incidents, while taking motivations into account.
Racist and xenophobic hate crime
In its "Concluding observations on the combined twelfth and thirteenth periodic reports of Bosnia and Herzegovina," the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) recommended that the local authorities ensure the appropriate implementation of existing hate crime provisions.