Украина регулярно предоставляет БДИПЧ данные о преступлениях на почве ненависти. В 2019 году Национальная полиция Украины и Министерство внутренних дел совместно с БДИПЧ опубликовали информационный буклет Категоризация и расследование преступлений на почве ненависти в Украине: Практическое руководство. Национальная стратегия Украины в области прав человека включает задачу "создать систему предупреждения, пресечения, документирования и расследования преступлений на почве ненависти". В 2020 году была создана рабочая группа, координируемая Уполномоченным по правам человека в украинском парламенте, для улучшения процедур регистрации преступлений на почве ненависти.
Year | Hate crimes recorded by police | Prosecuted | Sentenced |
2023 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2022 | 150 | Not available | Not available |
2021 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2020 | 203 | 170 | 6 |
2019 | 256 | 235 | 4 |
2018 | 178 | 149 | 6 |
2017 | 163 | 94 | 3 |
2016 | 144 | 76 | 2 |
2015 | 157 | 79 | 3 |
2014 | 33 | 33 | 2 |
2013 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2012 | 3 | 2 | Not available |
2011 | 5 | Not available | Not available |
2010 | 5 | Not available | Not available |
2009 | 2 | Not available | Not available |
Hate crime recorded by police
Incidents reported by civil society, international organizations and the Holy See
Racist and xenophobic hate crime
UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) recommended that Ukraine re-activate its working group on xenophobia and ethnic and racial intolerance, as well as systems for investigating and combating ethnic crimes; effectively investigate reported hate crimes and ensure that police refrain from racial profiling; prosecute and punish hate crimes; and expand human rights training for law-enforcement authorities.
Racist and xenophobic hate crime, Anti-Roma hate crime
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that Ukraine ensure that racist offences are consistently reported and recorded in the criminal justice system as a means to improve tracking of cases across the criminal justice system; intensify its efforts to combat bias-motivated violence through effective punishment; and deliver training for all criminal justice system agencies on implementing criminal provisions. In its adopted reports for 2011, ECRI noted cases of violence against Roma in Ukraine.