Антисемитские преступления на почве ненависти
На протяжении нескольких веков евреи преследовались как религиозное меньшинство. В современную эпоху антисемитизм переродился в политическую идеологию, которая утверждает, что евреи контролируют мир и виноваты в таких явлениях, как капитализм и коммунизм. Антисемитизм, как и вера в то, что евреи неполноценны в расовом отношении, стал движущей силой Холокоста. Антисемитские нарративы, такие как кровавый навет, продолжают звучать и сегодня. Сложные вызовы современности, такие как финансовый кризис или конфликт между Израилем и палестинцами, сводятся к тому, чтобы возложить вину на евреев, опираясь на такие антисемитские стереотипы и теории заговора. Современные проявления антисемитизма также вращаются вокруг Холокоста, причем некоторые обвиняют в Холокосте евреев или предполагают, что евреи заостряют внимание на этой трагедии для получения выгод. Отрицание Холокоста является одним из проявлений антисемитизма. Отчеты БДИПЧ демонстрируют, что антисемитские инциденты на почве ненависти включают в себя нападения на евреев как по религиозным, так и по этническим мотивам. БДИПЧ получало сообщения о попытках поджога, граффити на синагогах, нападениях на лиц, носящих религиозную одежду, осквернениях могил и случаях убийств. Несколько групп гражданского общества сообщают о всплеске инцидентов, имеющих отношение к конфликту между Израилем и палестинцами, дням памяти жертв Холокоста и другим годовщинам, связанным с действиями нацистов.
States that report
Incidents were reported on these states
International Reports
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published findings from a survey on experiences and perceptions of anti-Semitism conducted in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey showed that many respondents have been victims of anti-Semitic violence and harassment, and feared becoming hate crime victims in the future. The survey also mapped the extent of unreported anti-Semitic hate crime. FRA recommended that EU Member States consider taking a number of steps to improve the reporting, recording, investigating and prosecuting of hate crimes.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published findings from a survey on experiences and perceptions of anti-Semitism conducted in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey showed that many respondents have been victims of anti-Semitic violence and harassment, and feared becoming hate crime victims in the future. The survey also mapped the extent of unreported anti-Semitic hate crime. FRA recommended that EU Member States consider taking a number of steps to improve the reporting, recording, investigating and prosecuting of hate crimes.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published findings from a survey on experiences and perceptions of anti-Semitism conducted in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey showed that many respondents have been victims of anti-Semitic violence and harassment, and feared becoming hate crime victims in the future. The survey also mapped the extent of unreported anti-Semitic hate crime. FRA recommended that EU Member States consider taking a number of steps to improve the reporting, recording, investigating and prosecuting of hate crimes.
The Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson‑in‑Office on combating anti-Semitism conducted a country visit to Italy. Following the visit, the Personal Representative presented his recommendations, which included preventative educational and awareness‑raising efforts and training for police and prosecutors.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published findings from a survey on experiences and perceptions of anti-Semitism conducted in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey showed that many respondents have been victims of anti-Semitic violence and harassment, and feared becoming hate crime victims in the future. The survey also mapped the extent of unreported anti-Semitic hate crime. FRA recommended that EU Member States consider taking a number of steps to improve the reporting, recording, investigating and prosecuting of hate crimes.
The Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson‑in‑Office on combating anti-Semitism conducted a country visit to Latvia. Following the visit, the Personal Representative presented his recommendations, which included enhancing teaching about anti-Semitism in schools and training for judges and prosecutors on hate crimes.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published findings from a survey on experiences and perceptions of anti-Semitism conducted in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey showed that many respondents have been victims of anti-Semitic violence and harassment, and feared becoming hate crime victims in the future. The survey also mapped the extent of unreported anti-Semitic hate crime. FRA recommended that EU Member States consider taking a number of steps to improve the reporting, recording, investigating and prosecuting of hate crimes.
The Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson‑in‑Office on combating anti-Semitism conducted a country visit to Romania. Following the visit, the Personal Representative presented his recommendations, which focused on hate crime training of police and prosecutors.
Соединенное Королевство
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published findings from a survey on experiences and perceptions of anti-Semitism conducted in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey showed that many respondents have been victims of anti-Semitic violence and harassment, and feared becoming hate crime victims in the future. The survey also mapped the extent of unreported anti-Semitic hate crime. FRA recommended that EU Member States consider taking a number of steps to improve the reporting, recording, investigating and prosecuting of hate crimes.
The Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson‑in‑Office on combating anti-Semitism conducted a country visit to France. Following the visit, the Personal Representative presented his recommendations, which included enhancing data collection on hate crimes, police training on hate crimes, security assistance to Jewish communities and taking steps to combat cyberhate.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published findings from a survey on experiences and perceptions of anti-Semitism conducted in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey showed that many respondents have been victims of anti-Semitic violence and harassment, and feared becoming hate crime victims in the future. The survey also mapped the extent of unreported anti-Semitic hate crime. FRA recommended that EU Member States consider taking a number of steps to improve the reporting, recording, investigating and prosecuting of hate crimes.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published findings from a survey on experiences and perceptions of anti-Semitism conducted in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey showed that many respondents have been victims of anti-Semitic violence and harassment, and feared becoming hate crime victims in the future. The survey also mapped the extent of unreported anti-Semitic hate crime. The FRA recommended that EU Member States consider taking a number of steps to improve the reporting, recording, investigating and prosecuting of hate crimes.