Гендерно мотивированные преступления на почве ненависти
Гендерно мотивированные преступления на почве ненависти - это уголовные преступления, совершаемые по мотивам предубеждений против пола человека, что означает, что правонарушитель выбирает цель своего преступления на основе гендера или демонстрирует враждебность к нему во время нападения.
Преступления и инциденты на почве ненависти, о которых сообщается БДИПЧ, могут совершаться с одним мотивом, основанным на предубеждении, при котором цель была выбрана исключительно исходя из пола или гендера, или по нескольким мотивам, при которых предвзятость по признаку пола пересекается с предвзятостью по другому защищенному признаку, такому как инвалидность, этническая принадлежность, раса или религия. Некоторые инциденты, о которых сообщалось БДИПЧ, также совершались по мотивам предвзятого отношения к женским организациям, мероприятиям и отдельным лицам.
States that report
Incidents were reported on these states
Босния и Герцеговина
Чешская Республика
Российская Федерация
Соединенное Королевство
Соединенные Штаты Америки
Overview of incidents reported by other sources
Violent attacks against people | Threats | Attacks against property | Итого |
261 | 116 | 8 | 385 |
Дата | Страна | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Threats | Russian LGBT Network | Show info | |
2022 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Threats | Russian LGBT Network | Show info | |
2022 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) | Show info | |
2022 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2022 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2022 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022 | Armenia | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group, Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | "Never Again" Association | Show info | |
2022 | Ireland | Threats | INAR - The Irish Network Against Racism | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022-01 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-01 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-01 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-01 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-01 | Malta | Violent attacks against people | Aditus foundation | Show info | |
2022-01 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-01 | Netherlands | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-01 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-01 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-01 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-01 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-01 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-01 | Austria | Violent attacks against people | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-01 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2022-01 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2022-01 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-01 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-01 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-01 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | London Legal Group (LLG), Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-01 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | London Legal Group (LLG) | Show info | |
2022-01 | Austria | Threats | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-01 | Armenia | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-01 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-01 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-01 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-01 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-02 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-02 | Germany | Threats | Department for Research and Information on Anti-Semitism – RIAS | Show info | |
2022-02 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-02 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-02 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-02 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-02 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-02 | Moldova | Threats | GenderDoc-M | Show info | |
2022-02 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | Safer and Stronger Communities in Europe | Show info | |
2022-02 | France | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-02 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-02 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-02 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022-02 | Austria | Violent attacks against people | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-02 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-02 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-02 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-02 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Russian LGBT Network | Show info | |
2022-02 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-02 | Moldova | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Moldova | Show info | |
2022-02 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-02 | Sweden | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-02 | Russian Federation | Threats | Russian LGBT Network | Show info | |
2022-02 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-02 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-02 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-03 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-03 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Labrys Kyrgyzstan | Show info | |
2022-03 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-03 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-03 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-03 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-03 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-03 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-03 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) | Show info | |
2022-03 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-03 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022-03 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2022-03 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-03 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-03 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-03 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-03 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-03 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-03 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-03 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-03 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Equality Movement | Show info | |
2022-03 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2022-04 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2022-04 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-04 | Sweden | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-04 | Hungary | Violent attacks against people | Hungarian Islam Advocacy Association | Show info | |
2022-04 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-04 | Finland | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Racist Forum | Show info | |
2022-04 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-04 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2022-04 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-04 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-04 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-04 | France | Violent attacks against people | Safer and Stronger Communities in Europe | Show info | |
2022-04 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2022-04 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-04 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-04 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-04 | Slovenia | Violent attacks against people | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2022-04 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Islamophobia Response Unit (IRU) | Show info | |
2022-04 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-04 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2022-05 | Italy | Threats | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2022-05 | Italy | Threats | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2022-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-05 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-05 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-05 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-05 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | Department for Research and Information on Anti-Semitism – RIAS | Show info | |
2022-05 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-05 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-05 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-05 | Austria | Threats | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-05 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2022-05 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2022-05 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-05 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-05 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-05 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2022-05 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-05 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Labrys Kyrgyzstan | Show info | |
2022-05 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-05 | Austria | Violent attacks against people | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-05 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-05 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-05 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-05 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-05 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2022-05 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-05 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2022-05 | Belgium | Violent attacks against people | CCIB | Show info | |
2022-05 | Austria | Threats | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-05 | Georgia | Threats | Equality Movement | Show info | |
2022-05 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Equality Movement | Show info | |
2022-05 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Equality Movement | Show info | |
2022-05 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Islamophobia Response Unit (IRU) | Show info | |
2022-05 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-05 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Threats | Center for education and research Nahla, Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina, OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina | Show info | |
2022-06 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-06 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group, Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022-06 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-06 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-06 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | "Never Again" Association | Show info | |
2022-06 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-06 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-06 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-06 | Austria | Violent attacks against people | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-06 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization, Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-06 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2022-06 | Poland | Threats | Jewish Association CZULENT | Show info | |
2022-06 | Slovenia | Threats | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2022-06 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-06 | Poland | Threats | "Never Again" Association | Show info | |
2022-06 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-06 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-06 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Kazakhstan Feminist Initiative "Feminita" | Show info | |
2022-06 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2022-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-06 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-06 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization, "Right Side" Human Rights Defender NGO | Show info | |
2022-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Civic Assistance Committee | Show info | |
2022-06 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2022-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-06 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-06 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-06 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2022-06 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2022-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-06 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-07 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2022-07 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-07 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-07 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-07 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-07 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-07 | Finland | Threats | Anti-Racist Forum | Show info | |
2022-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-07 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-07 | Tajikistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-07 | Estonia | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-07 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-07 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-07 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2022-07 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-07 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-07 | Tajikistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-07 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria | Show info | |
2022-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-07 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | "Never Again" Association | Show info | |
2022-07 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Russian LGBT Network | Show info | |
2022-07 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-07 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-07 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022-07 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-07 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-07 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-07 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "Right Side" Human Rights Defender NGO | Show info | |
2022-07 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization, "Right Side" Human Rights Defender NGO, Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity, Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2022-08 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022-08 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2022-08 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-08 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-08 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2022-08 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022-08 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-08 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) | Show info | |
2022-08 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2022-08 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Equality Movement | Show info | |
2022-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2022-08 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2022-08 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2022-08 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-08 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "Right Side" Human Rights Defender NGO | Show info | |
2022-08 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-08 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization, Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-08 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022-08 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-08 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Threats | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina | Show info | |
2022-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-08 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-08 | Armenia | Threats | "Right Side" Human Rights Defender NGO | Show info | |
2022-08 | Georgia | Threats | Equality Movement | Show info | |
2022-08 | Germany | Threats | MANEO | Show info | |
2022-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-09 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-09 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2022-09 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-09 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-09 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022-09 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity, Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2022-09 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022-09 | Tajikistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-09 | Austria | Threats | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-09 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-09 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022-09 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-09 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2022-09 | Finland | Threats | Anti-Racist Forum | Show info | |
2022-09 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Equality Movement | Show info | |
2022-09 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-09 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Equality Movement | Show info | |
2022-09 | Finland | Threats | Anti-Racist Forum | Show info | |
2022-09 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2022-09 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022-09 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2022-09 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-10 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2022-10 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-10 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-10 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-10 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-10 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-10 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-10 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Shah Ayim Network | Show info | |
2022-10 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-10 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-10 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-10 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022-10 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-10 | Austria | Threats | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-10 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-10 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2022-10 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-10 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-10 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Labrys Kyrgyzstan | Show info | |
2022-10 | Switzerland | Threats | GRA Foundation against racism and anti-semitism | Show info | |
2022-10 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2022-10 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2022-10 | Austria | Threats | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-10 | Germany | Threats | MANEO | Show info | |
2022-10 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-10 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-10 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-11 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2022-11 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2022-11 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2022-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-11 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-11 | United Kingdom | Threats | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-11 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-11 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-11 | Switzerland | Threats | GRA Foundation against racism and anti-semitism | Show info | |
2022-11 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-11 | Hungary | Threats | Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2022-11 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-11 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022-11 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-11 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-11 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2022-11 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-11 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-11 | Austria | Threats | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-11 | Austria | Threats | ZARA | Show info | |
2022-11 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Russian LGBT Network | Show info | |
2022-11 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-11 | Malta | Violent attacks against people | Aditus foundation | Show info | |
2022-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-11 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-12 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2022-12 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-12 | United Kingdom | Threats | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-12 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Tell MAMA | Show info | |
2022-12 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-12 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2022-12 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2022-12 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | London Legal Group (LLG) | Show info | |
2022-12 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-12 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2022-12 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-12 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-12 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria | Show info | |
2022-12 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-12 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-12 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2022-12 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2022-12 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Equality Movement | Show info | |
2022-12 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2022-12 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-12 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2022-12 | Russian Federation | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2022-12 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info |
International Reports
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) published relevant recommendations in its "Final report on Poland adopted on 27 June 2023 by ECRI at its 92nd plenary meeting (27-30 June 2023)".