Португалия регулярно предоставляет БДИПЧ данные о преступлениях на почве ненависти. Министерство юстиции и прокуратура собирают данные о преступлениях на почве ненависти.
В 2018 году Министерство юстиции, БДИПЧ и Агентство ЕС по основным правам совместно организовали семинар по совершенствованию регистрации преступлений на почве ненависти и сбора данных на основе Программы БДИПЧ по содействию надлежащемy учету преступлений на почве ненависти и борьбе с ними (ИНФАКТ). По итогам семинара был подготовлен ряд рекомендаций для соответствующих государственных органов.
В последние годы Португалия разработала ряд планов действий по борьбе с дискриминацией, включая План по борьбе с расизмом (PNCRD 2021–2025), Национальную стратегию по борьбе с бедностью и социальной изоляцией, Национальную стратегию равенства и недискриминации (2018–2030), Национальный план реализации Глобального договора по миграции, Национальную стратегию интеграции общин рома (2013–2022), а также Национальную программу по сохранению памяти о Холокосте.
Year | Hate crimes recorded by police | Prosecuted | Sentenced |
2023 | 344 | 5 | 3 |
2022 | 270 | Not available | Not available |
2021 | 150 | 5 | 3 |
2020 | 132 | Not available | Not available |
2019 | 82 | - | - |
2018 | 63 | Not available | Not available |
2017 | 48 | Not available | Not available |
2016 | - | - | 0 |
2015 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2014 | 21 | 21 | Not available |
2013 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2012 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2011 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2010 | Not available | Not available | Not available |
2009 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
About 2020 Data
Police-recorded figures refer to the crime of racial or religious discrimination only, and includes incidents of discrimination and incitement to hatred, which fall outside of the OSCE's definition of hate crime. The records on prosecuted and sentenced cases were not available at the time of the publication of ODIHR's 2020 Hate Crime Report.
Hate crime recorded by police
ODIHR recognizes Portugal's efforts in reviewing its hate crime legislation. However, based on the available information, it observes that the law enforcement agencies of Portugal have not been recording the bias motivations behind hate crimes. In addition, ODIHR observes that Portugal would benefit from raising the awareness and building the capacity of criminal justice officials in relation to hate crimes.
ODIHR recalls that in the Ministerial Council Decision 9/09, participating States have committed to promptly investigating hate crimes and ensuring that the motives of those convicted of hate crimes are acknowledged. To that end, the law enforcement agencies must, first of all, record the bias motivations behind hate crimes. In the Ministerial Council Decision 9/09, participating States have also committed to introducing or further developing professional training and capacity-building activities for law-enforcement, prosecution and judicial officials dealing with hate crimes. ODIHR stands ready to support Portugal in meeting its relevant commitments through the provision of comprehensive resources and tailored assistance in the area of hate crime recording and data collection, as well as providing further resources and tailored capacity building assistance for police, prosecution, and judiciary.
In addition to incidents summarized below, this graph includes 1 hate incident reported by Kantor Center as statistics.
In addition to incidents summarized below, this graph includes 1 hate incident reported by Kantor Center as statistics.
In addition to incidents summarized below, this graph includes 1 hate incident reported by Kantor Center as statistics.
Racist and xenophobic hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2020-01 | Violent attacks against people | Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV)
Show info |
2020-07 | Threats/Harassment | Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV)
Show info |
2020-09 | Violent attacks against people | Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV)
Show info |
2020-02 | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
2020-07 | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
2020-01 | Threats/Harassment | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
2020-08 | Threats/Harassment | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
2020-09 | Attacks against property | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights
Show info |
Anti-Semitic hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2020-10 | Attacks against property | Kantor Center
Show info |
Gender-based hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2020-08 | Violent attacks against people | Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV)
Show info |
Anti-LGBTI hate crime
Дата | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание |
2020-07 | Attacks against property | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-08 | Threats/Harassment | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-02 | Attacks against property | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-02 | Violent attacks against people | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-10 | Violent attacks against people | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-07 | Threats/Harassment | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-09 | Violent attacks against people | Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV)
Show info |
2020-08 | Violent attacks against people | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-02 | Violent attacks against people | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-12 | Threats/Harassment | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-09 | Threats/Harassment | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-05 | Threats/Harassment | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-11 | Threats/Harassment | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-10 | Threats/Harassment | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-02 | Violent attacks against people | ILGA Portugal
Show info |
2020-05 | Violent attacks against people | Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV)
Show info |
2020-08 | Violent attacks against people | Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV)
Show info |
Racist and xenophobic hate crime, Gender-based hate crime
The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe published relevant recommendations in her "Memorandum on combating racism and violence against women in Portugal."