Расистские и ксенофобские преступления на почве ненависти
Расизм - это предубеждение или враждебность по отношению к расе, цвету кожи, языку, национальности, национальному или этническому происхождению человека. И хотя некоторые общины особенно уязвимы, объектом расизма может стать любая этническая группа. Нетолерантный дискурс в средствах массовой информации или со стороны политиков может привести к усилению расистских настроений по отношению к мигрантам и другим меньшинствам, включая навешивание на них ответственности в периоды экономического кризиса. Ежегодный отчет БДИПЧ о преступлениях на почве ненависти в регионе ОБСЕ продемонстрировал, что расистские нападения могут принимать самые разные формы, будучи направленными против людей из различных групп по всему региону. Общими чертами для этого типа преступлений являются нападения групп правонарушителей на мигрантов и представителей этнических меньшинств, а также нанесение ущерба бизнесу и собственности, принадлежащим или связанным с устоявшимися этническими сообществами.
States that report
Incidents were reported on these states
International Reports
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) recommended that Austria increase efforts to prosecute and punish forms of discrimination, including hate crime, and to intensify the training for prosecutors, judges, lawyers, other judicial and police officers in the criminal justice system on the principles of the Convention.
The OSCE Chairmanship’s Personal Representative on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, also Focusing on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and Members of Other Religions, Judge Catherine McGuinness, together with the other Personal Representatives of the Chairmanship, made an official visit to Azerbaijan. She emphasized the importance of improving the collection of accurate data on hate crimes.
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that Andorra conduct information campaigns to make the criminal law provisions relating to racism and intolerance known to the general public and particularly to potential victims of such crimes, and to strengthen the collection of data on the application of criminal law provisions, punishing racist offences so that their effectiveness can be assessed.
The OSCE Chairmanship’s Personal Representative on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, also Focusing on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and Members of Other Religions, Judge Catherine McGuinness, together with the other Personal Representatives of the Chairmanship, travelled to Armenia. During the visit she emphasized the importance of improving the collection of accurate data on hate crimes.
The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe recommended that Greece pursue efforts to improve its police response to hate crimes, including by providing specialized training, noting the disturbing reports of hate crimes during 2012. He also encouraged authorities to ensure that the mandate of the new police antiracist units was sufficiently broad to address homophobic hate crime.
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that Denmark ensure the application of aggravating circumstances for bias motivation, where relevant, and are setting up a monitoring system on the use of such provisions and instructions from the Director of Public Prosecutions obliging prosecutors to raise racist motivation of a criminal offence in court.
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that Ireland improve and supplement the existing arrangements for collecting data on racist incidents, and assess the application of criminal law provisions against racism in order to identify any gaps that need closing, including making racist motivation an aggravating circumstance.
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) recommended that Italy provide training to local public authorities on racial discrimination, as a measure to address the lack of systemized training for law enforcement on obligations under the CERD treaty and the low number of prosecutions, despite the high number of hate crimes and violence. It also recommended that Italy take measures to prevent racist violence against Roma and Sinti people, and to ensure hate crimes against them are promptly investigated and prosecuted so that perpetrators do not enjoy de jure or de facto impunity.
The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe recommended that Italy address potential inconsistent interpretation of aggravating circumstances provisions for bias-motivated crime through political leadership and awareness raising for all persons involved in the criminal justice system. He also expressed concerns about violence against Roma, noting that the bias motivation of these crimes is often downplayed by authorities, and encouraged better monitoring of hate crimes and ensuring bias motivation is part of the investigation and prosecution of such crimes.
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that Liechtenstein provide specific training for those working in the criminal justice system on the application of the criminal law provisions aimed at combating racist offences providing for racist or xenophobic motivation to be considered as an aggravating circumstance for all offences for the Victims’ Assistance Office to carry out awareness raising activities in this regard.
The UN Human Rights Council, in its Universal Periodic Review, encouraged the Netherlands to develop a system of recording statistical data on hate crimes based on the most common types of offences, and of adequate training for law enforcement and legal professionals on the importance of recognizing bias motive as an aggravating circumstance.
The OSCE Chairmanship’s Personal Representative on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, also Focusing on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and Members of Other Religions, Judge Catherine McGuinness, together with the other Personal Representatives of the Chairmanship, made a country visit to Norway. She emphasized the importance of improving the collection of accurate data on hate crimes.
The UN Human Rights Council, in its Universal Periodic Review, encouraged Poland to consider strengthening legislation on hate crimes, institute a national mechanism on hate crime data collection, and to ensure immediate, adequate and independent investigations of racially motivated crimes.
It also recommended that Poland strengthen measures to prevent racist violence, especially against people of African origin.
Соединенное Королевство
The UN Human Rights Council, in its Universal Periodic Review, encouraged the United Kingdom to continue work monitoring hate crime, investigating and sanctioning such crimes, working with affected communities, as well as strengthening its data collection in terms of disaggregated data.
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) recommended that Turkmenistan ensure that hate crimes are effectively investigated and brought to justice, regardless of the official status of alleged perpetrators.
The UN Human Rights Council, in its Universal Periodic Review, encouraged Ukraine to further pursue its efforts on training law enforcement to respond to hate crimes in order to ensure proper investigation.
The UN Human Rights Council, in its Universal Periodic Review, encouraged Finland to continue its efforts to ensure racially motivated crimes are promptly identified, investigated and prosecuted.
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that Croatia ensure that all acts of racist violence are promptly and thoroughly investigated with a view to prosecution of the perpetrators.
Чешская Республика
During his country visit, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe recommended that the Czech Republic continue developing its training on hate crime for all those involved in the criminal justice system. He noted that bias-motivated violence against Roma continues and that the authorities are making efforts to monitor extreme right-wing group activities and improving relationships with Roma communities, while also encouraging effective investigation and prosecution of hate crimes against Roma. He also encouraged authorities to extend the protection of hate crime provisions to ensure that bias motivation based on disability is included as an aggravating circumstance for sentencing.
The UN Human Rights Council, in its Universal Periodic Review, encouraged the Czech Republic to ensure hate crimes are adequately investigated and prosecuted and that judges, prosecutors and police officers are effectively trained to prosecute hate crimes.
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that Sweden use its training and awareness-raising measures in their continuing efforts to ensure that criminal law provisions concerning racism and racial discrimination are properly applied by all persons in the criminal justice system and to strengthen further its data collection and monitoring system on racist incidents.