National frameworks to address hate crime in Luxembourg

This page provides information on the national frameworks to address hate crime in Luxembourg. The information provided here should be viewed alongside data presented on Luxembourg's hate crime report page.

Hate crime recording and data collection

Data are collected by the police, the Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Justice. Data are not made publicly available.

Hate crime victim support

Support to victims of hate crimes is provided as part of the general victim support system in Luxembourg. Victims of hate crime are not defined in the country's legislation.

General victim support is provided by the state and civil society organizations (CSOs). There are state-run services that assist children, youth and adults following an attack on their physical or psychological integrity. CSOs also provide general support, as well as support focused on certain categories of victim, such as children and youth. The following organizations have been accredited to provide victim support: ASTI (Association de soutien aux travailleurs immigrés), CLAE (Centre de liaison, d'information et d'aide pour les associations des projets au Luxembourg), ALOS-LDH (Action Luxembourg Ouvert et Solidaire-Ligue des droits de l'homme), Info-Handicap, Chiens guides d'aveugles au Luxembourg, CARITAS and CNFL (Conseil national des femmes du Luxembourg).

Police are obliged to provide victims with interpretation services. Victims can be interviewed by an officer of the same sex and accompanied by a person or lawyer of their choice and must be informed of the available support services. Some victims qualify for the status of a particularly vulnerable victim (including minors, victims that suffered an attack on their physical or psychological integrity) and can receive special protection measures. Legal assistance is also available to victims.

Victims of crime can participate in legal proceedings as a civil party and claim compensation. The state may decide to cover the cost of compensation if the perpetrator is unable to pay. In all cases, when a victim participates in criminal proceedings and cannot find a lawyer, one is appointed by the President of the Bar or a judge. Furthermore, the Centre for Equal Treatment assists persons who consider themselves victims of hate crime, by providing them with a counselling and guidance service aimed at informing victims about their individual rights, legislation, case law and ways of asserting their rights.