Преступления на почве ненависти к ЛГБТИ
Совершение преступлений на почве ненависти против лесбиянок, геев, бисексуалов, трансгендеров и интерсексуалов (ЛГБТИ) мотивируется предубеждением в отношении сексуальной ориентации или гендерной идентичности человека. В некоторых случаях СМИ и политики представляют ЛГБТИ людей как грозную или низшую группу, представляющую опасность для общественного здоровья и "традиционных" структур, таких как брак и семья. ЛГБТИ люди продолжают повергаться стигматизации и отсутствию правовой защиты от дискриминации и преступлений на почве ненависти. Ежегодные отчеты БДИПЧ о преступлениях на почве ненависти включают в себя сообщения о физических нападениях и убийствах, причем трансгендерные люди находятся в группе особого риска. Серьезные физические групповые нападения, особенно во время прайд-парадов, также являются типичными особенностями преступлений на почве ненависти против ЛГБТИ.
States that report
Incidents were reported on these states
Босния и Герцеговина
Чешская Республика
Северная Македония
Российская Федерация
Соединенное Королевство
Соединенные Штаты Америки
Overview of incidents reported by other sources
Violent attacks against people | Threats | Attacks against property | Итого |
903 | 467 | 263 | 1633 |
Дата | Страна | ВИД ИНЦИДЕНТА | Источник | Описание | |
2023 | Hungary | Threats | Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2023 | Georgia | Threats | Georgian Democracy Initiative | Show info | |
2023 | Switzerland | Threats | Consultation Network for the Victims of Racism, humanrights.ch | Show info | |
2023 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | Consultation Network for the Victims of Racism, humanrights.ch | Show info | |
2023 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2023 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group, Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Albania | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Albania | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Moldova | Threats | GenderDoc-M | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023 | Moldova | Violent attacks against people | GenderDoc-M | Show info | |
2023 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023 | Armenia | Threats | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Albania | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023 | Tajikistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023 | Uzbekistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023 | Serbia | Threats | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023 | Romania | Threats | ACCEPT Association | Show info | |
2023 | Romania | Violent attacks against people | ACCEPT Association | Show info | |
2023 | Romania | Threats | ACCEPT Association | Show info | |
2023 | Romania | Violent attacks against people | ACCEPT Association | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group, Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023 | Estonia | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2023 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2023 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023 | Belarus | Threats | Human Constanta | Show info | |
2023-01 | Italy | Threats | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-01 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Threats | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Italy | Threats | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-01 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Threats | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-01 | Georgia | Threats | Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Georgia | Threats | Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Georgia | Threats | Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-01 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-01 | Belgium | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-01 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-01 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | London Legal Group (LLG) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2023-01 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-01 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-01 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-01 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-01 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | NGO "Alliance.Global" | Show info | |
2023-01 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-01 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-01 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2023-01 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Tajikistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-01 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-01 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-01 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-01 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-01 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-01 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-01 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-01 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-01 | Uzbekistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-01 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-02 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-02 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Iceland | Violent attacks against people | Samtökin '78 - The National Queer Association of Iceland | Show info | |
2023-02 | Iceland | Violent attacks against people | Samtökin '78 - The National Queer Association of Iceland | Show info | |
2023-02 | Armenia | Threats | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023-02 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-02 | United Kingdom | Threats | Safer and Stronger Communities in Europe | Show info | |
2023-02 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-02 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2023-02 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-02 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-02 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Ukraine | Threats | NGO "Alliance.Global" | Show info | |
2023-02 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-02 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-02 | Spain | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-02 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-02 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-02 | Uzbekistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-02 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-02 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-02 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-02 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-02 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-02 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-02 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-02 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-02 | Cyprus | Violent attacks against people | UNHCR | Show info | |
2023-02 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-02 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-02 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-02 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-02 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-02 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-02 | Uzbekistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-02 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-02 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-02 | Hungary | Threats | Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2023-02 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-02 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-02 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna!, OSCE Mission to Serbia | Show info | |
2023-02 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-02 | Germany | Threats | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-03 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-03 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-03 | Cyprus | Violent attacks against people | Human Rights Platform | Show info | |
2023-03 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-03 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-03 | Armenia | Threats | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023-03 | Romania | Threats | ACCEPT Association | Show info | |
2023-03 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-03 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-03 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-03 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-03 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-03 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-03 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-03 | Moldova | Threats | GenderDoc-M | Show info | |
2023-03 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-03 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-03 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) | Show info | |
2023-03 | Germany | Threats | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-03 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-03 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-03 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-03 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-03 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-03 | Turkey | Threats | Human Rights Association | Show info | |
2023-03 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-03 | Uzbekistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-03 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-03 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-03 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-03 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-03 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-03 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-03 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-03 | Ukraine | Threats | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-03 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-03 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-03 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-03 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-03 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-03 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Bosnia And Herzegovina, Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-03 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-03 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | Human Rights Association | Show info | |
2023-03 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-03 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-03 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-03 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-03 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-03 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-03 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-03 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-03 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-03 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-03 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-03 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-03 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-03 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-03 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-03 | Ukraine | Threats | NGO "Alliance.Global" | Show info | |
2023-03 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | NGO "Alliance.Global" | Show info | |
2023-04 | Italy | Threats | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Italy | Threats | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-04 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-04 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-04 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-04 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Kazakhstan Feminist Initiative "Feminita" | Show info | |
2023-04 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Austria | Violent attacks against people | WEISSER RING | Show info | |
2023-04 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-04 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-04 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-04 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-04 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-04 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-04 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-04 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-04 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-04 | Uzbekistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-04 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Kazakhstan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-04 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-04 | Armenia | Threats | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023-04 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization, Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity, Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Armenia | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-04 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Moldova | Violent attacks against people | GenderDoc-M | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-04 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-04 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-04 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-04 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-04 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-04 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-05 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2023-05 | Latvia | Violent attacks against people | Latvian Centre for Human Rights | Show info | |
2023-05 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-05 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-05 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-05 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-05 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-05 | Canada | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2023-05 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-05 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-05 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-05 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-05 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group, Civic Assistance Committee, Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-05 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-05 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-05 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2023-05 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-05 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Lunaria | Show info | |
2023-05 | Tajikistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-05 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-05 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-05 | Austria | Violent attacks against people | WEISSER RING | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-05 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-05 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-05 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization, Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-06 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Threats | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Cyprus | Violent attacks against people | Human Rights Platform | Show info | |
2023-06 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Croatia | Violent attacks against people | Lesbian Organization Rijeka - LORI | Show info | |
2023-06 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Threats | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Armenia | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-06 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-06 | Austria | Violent attacks against people | Jewish Communities of Vienna | Show info | |
2023-06 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-06 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Threats | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-06 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group, Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-06 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-06 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Croatia | Violent attacks against people | Croatian civil society coalition | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Kazakhstan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-06 | Belarus | Violent attacks against people | Human Constanta | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-06 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Threats | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Threats | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Violent attacks against people | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Threats | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Violent attacks against people | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Violent attacks against people | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Threats | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Threats | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Violent attacks against people | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | "Never Again" Association | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Threats | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Slovenia | Violent attacks against people | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-06 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-06 | Moldova | Threats | GenderDoc-M | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-06 | Armenia | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-06 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Turkey | Threats | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Moldova | Threats | GenderDoc-M, Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-06 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-06 | Austria | Threats | WEISSER RING | Show info | |
2023-06 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-06 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Ukraine | Threats | NGO "Alliance.Global" | Show info | |
2023-06 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-06 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization, Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-06 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-06 | Albania | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-06 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-06 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-06 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-07 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Iceland | Threats | Samtökin '78 - The National Queer Association of Iceland | Show info | |
2023-07 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-07 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Armenia | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-07 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-07 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Azerbaijan | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-07 | Uzbekistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Georgia | Threats | Center for Participation and Development (CPD) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-07 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-07 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-07 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-07 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Georgian Democracy Initiative | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-07 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-07 | Tajikistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-07 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-07 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-07 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Serbia | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-07 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-07 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-07 | Russian Federation | Threats | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-07 | Ukraine | Threats | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-07 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Russian Federation | Threats | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-07 | Tajikistan | Threats | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-07 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-07 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group, Civic Assistance Committee, SOVA Center, Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-07 | Tajikistan | Threats | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-07 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Hungary | Threats | Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Kazakhstan | Threats | Kazakhstan Feminist Initiative "Feminita" | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-07 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-07 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | Human Rights Association | Show info | |
2023-07 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-08 | Italy | Threats | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-08 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-08 | Iceland | Violent attacks against people | Samtökin '78 - The National Queer Association of Iceland | Show info | |
2023-08 | Iceland | Threats | Samtökin '78 - The National Queer Association of Iceland | Show info | |
2023-08 | Iceland | Threats | Samtökin '78 - The National Queer Association of Iceland | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-08 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-08 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-08 | Uzbekistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-08 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-08 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | Kazakhstan Feminist Initiative "Feminita" | Show info | |
2023-08 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-08 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-08 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-08 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-08 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | London Legal Group (LLG) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-08 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-08 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-08 | Ukraine | Threats | NGO "Alliance.Global" | Show info | |
2023-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-08 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-08 | Hungary | Violent attacks against people | Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2023-08 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-08 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2023-08 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-08 | Albania | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-08 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-08 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-08 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-08 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2023-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-08 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization, Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity, Pink Armenia, Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-08 | Armenia | Threats | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023-08 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "Right Side" Human Rights Defender NGO | Show info | |
2023-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-08 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Austria | Violent attacks against people | WEISSER RING | Show info | |
2023-08 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-08 | United Kingdom | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-08 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-08 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-08 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-08 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-08 | Georgia | Violent attacks against people | Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) | Show info | |
2023-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-08 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Uzbekistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-08 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-08 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | "Never Again" Association | Show info | |
2023-08 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-08 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | Human Rights Association | Show info | |
2023-08 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-08 | Czech Republic | Threats | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-08 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-08 | Poland | Violent attacks against people | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-09 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Italy | Threats | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Iceland | Threats | Samtökin '78 - The National Queer Association of Iceland | Show info | |
2023-09 | Iceland | Violent attacks against people | Samtökin '78 - The National Queer Association of Iceland | Show info | |
2023-09 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Pink Armenia | Show info | |
2023-09 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-09 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-09 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-09 | Kyrgyzstan | Threats | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization, Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-09 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-09 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Slovenia | Threats | Advocacy for LGBTI Rights Legebitra | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-09 | Serbia | Threats | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-09 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-09 | Austria | Violent attacks against people | WEISSER RING | Show info | |
2023-09 | Azerbaijan | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Kyrgyz Indigo | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group, Civic Assistance Committee | Show info | |
2023-09 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-09 | Lithuania | Threats | Lithuanian Gay League (LGL) | Show info | |
2023-09 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-09 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-10 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-10 | Italy | Threats | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-10 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-10 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-10 | Iceland | Threats | Samtökin '78 - The National Queer Association of Iceland | Show info | |
2023-10 | Iceland | Violent attacks against people | Samtökin '78 - The National Queer Association of Iceland | Show info | |
2023-10 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-10 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-10 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-10 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-10 | Kazakhstan | Violent attacks against people | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-10 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-10 | Tajikistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-10 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-10 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-10 | Latvia | Violent attacks against people | Latvian Centre for Human Rights | Show info | |
2023-10 | Armenia | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-10 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-10 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-10 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-10 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-10 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-10 | Croatia | Violent attacks against people | Lesbian Organization Rijeka - LORI | Show info | |
2023-10 | Moldova | Violent attacks against people | GenderDoc-M, Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) | Show info | |
2023-10 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-10 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-10 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-10 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-10 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-10 | Germany | Violent attacks against people | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-10 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-10 | Russian Federation | Threats | Transgender Europe (TGEU) | Show info | |
2023-10 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-10 | North Macedonia | Violent attacks against people | OSCE Mission to Skopje | Show info | |
2023-10 | Uzbekistan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-10 | Germany | Threats | MANEO | Show info | |
2023-10 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-10 | Armenia | Threats | "New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization | Show info | |
2023-10 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-10 | Poland | Threats | Jewish Association CZULENT | Show info | |
2023-10 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-10 | Slovakia | Violent attacks against people | Human Rights League | Show info | |
2023-10 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-10 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-10 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-11 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Threats | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Italy | Threats | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-11 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-11 | Georgia | Threats | Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Russian Federation | Threats | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-11 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-11 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-11 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-11 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-11 | Poland | Threats | The Gdańsk Centre for Equal Treatment | Show info | |
2023-11 | Netherlands | Threats | Israel Information and Documentation Centre (CIDI) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-11 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Turkey | Violent attacks against people | London Legal Group (LLG) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Violent attacks against people | Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Kyrgyzstan | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-11 | Armenia | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-11 | Kazakhstan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-11 | Greece | Threats | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-11 | Switzerland | Violent attacks against people | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-11 | Armenia | Violent attacks against people | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-11 | Greece | Violent attacks against people | Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN) | Show info | |
2023-11 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-11 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-11 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Kazakhstan | Threats | ALMA-TQ | Show info | |
2023-11 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-11 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-11 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-12 | Italy | Violent attacks against people | Gay Center/Gay Helpline | Show info | |
2023-12 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-12 | Uzbekistan | Threats | Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity | Show info | |
2023-12 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-12 | Czech Republic | Violent attacks against people | In IUSTITIA | Show info | |
2023-12 | Lithuania | Violent attacks against people | Lithuanian Gay League (LGL) | Show info | |
2023-12 | United States of America | Violent attacks against people | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-12 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-12 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-12 | Hungary | Violent attacks against people | Working Group Against Hate Crimes | Show info | |
2023-12 | Moldova | Violent attacks against people | Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) | Show info | |
2023-12 | Serbia | Violent attacks against people | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-12 | Moldova | Violent attacks against people | GenderDoc-M | Show info | |
2023-12 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-12 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group | Show info | |
2023-12 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-12 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-12 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-12 | Ukraine | Violent attacks against people | LGBT Human Rights NASH SVIT Center | Show info | |
2023-12 | United States of America | Threats | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Show info | |
2023-12 | Serbia | Threats | Association Da se zna! | Show info | |
2023-12 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-12 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-12 | Russian Federation | Threats | "Coming Out" LGBT Group, Sphere Foundation | Show info | |
2023-12 | Switzerland | Threats | LGBTIQ Helpline | Show info | |
2023-12 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | Hatecrime.fyi | Show info | |
2023-12 | Russian Federation | Violent attacks against people | "Coming Out" LGBT Group, Sphere Foundation | Show info |